water management


Efficient Cotton Irrigation Practices in Australia

  • Antonio Gnassi
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Australia‘s cotton industry has made significant strides in improving water use efficiency. This has been achieved through the implementation of innovative irrigation practices and technologies. In this post, we’ll explore these practices and their impact on sustainable cotton production. Water use efficiency in Cotton ProductionWater use efficiency (WUE) is a term commonly used to describe…

Dr D'Urso completing fieldwork for the COALA project in Australia

Applications for AgTech; In Conversation with Dr Guido D’Urso

  • UNSW
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Dr Guido D’Urso starts each day with a cup of Italian coffee as he reads his emails. Working on an international project, Dr D’Urso corresponds with his Australian colleagues in the morning, his European colleagues during the day, and his American peers in the evening. Guiding PhD students, coordinating postgraduate courses, and managing an international…


Gilgai soil structure impact on crop canopy

  • University of Castilla La Mancha
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The COALA project The COALA H2020 project is contributing to better agriculture. COALA is implementing tools capable of determining the water and nutrient requirements of crops in space and time. These tools allow farmers to adjust the adequate supply of these resources to optimise yield. These tools are developed using a time series of images…

farmer compliance map COALA project water managers

Water managers sharing experience is key to success.

  • ANBI Campania
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Role of ANBI Campania and its contribution to the COALA project, and the need for experienced water managers ANBI Campania (Italy) is one of the two European Water User Association partners in the COALA Project. ANBI transfers its experience as a European final user of satellite-based decision support systems.  This blog collects the thoughts of…


Copernicus for water management and allocation

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Copernicus for water management: a story of success. Earth Observation data from Copernicus optimised irrigation management in drylands of South East Spain. How it all began During a severe drought in 1995-1996, the aquifers in the region of La Mancha Oriental reached a dangerous level. So low that the Central Government of Madrid threatened to…