The aim of the communication materials is to publicise the COALA Project among potential users. This Deliverab...
This Deliverable is an update of the first version of the Communication and Dissemination Plan.
This Deliverable describes the pilot experiments of COALA Project. Participatory evaluation of the COALA servi...
The COALA Project, a European Union funded project involving a collaborative initiative between the European U...
The plenary meeting of COALA Project has been held on 23rd, 24th and 30 November 2020
Thanks to Copernicus data, Europe and Australia launch a new challenge to improve the management of water and ...
The aim of the communication materials is to publicise the COALA Project among potential users. This Deliverable describes the promotional material prepared so far.
This Deliverable is an update of the first version of the Communication and Dissemination Plan.
This Deliverable describes the pilot experiments of COALA Project. Participatory evaluation of the COALA services jointly with farm-level users, district-level water managers and other industry stakeholders is the core element of the project.
The DCP aims to promote and foster adoption by end-users of validated Copernicus products within relevant sectoral markets of Australia, and to raise awareness of the global potential of COALA outputs.
This Deliverable describes: i) the initial design of the corresponding website. It will be updated on a permanent basis during the project life and afterwards. Relevant changes and updates will be made in order to include relevant information; ii) the social media accounts created for the COALA project.
The Data Management Plan aims to make the research data collected, processed or generated by Horizon 2020 (H2020) projects accessible with as few restrictions as possible, while at the same time protecting sensitive data from inappropriate access and respecting Intellectual Property Rules.