D6.2: Communication and Dissemination Plan (v.2)

  • Ariespace
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This Deliverable is an update of the first version of the Communication and Dissemination Plan. The DCP aims to promote and foster adoption by end-users of validated Copernicus products within relevant sectoral markets of Australia, and to raise awareness of the global potential of COALA outputs for advancing selected targets of the UN Sustainable Development Goals, within scientific, practitioners and decision-makers communities of Australia and elsewhere.
The key strategies of legacy, identity, storydoing and evaluation will help establish a brand identity and communicate that brand. The primary target audiences for COALA have been divided into four sectors —governance and policy, research and academia, industry and legacy.
To communicate effectively, COALA will employ a range of both digital and printable media, to complement and describe the key messages of the brand. A set of approaches, including attendance of several virtual —and depending on the evolving situation of the COVID-19 pandemic— face to face events, and conferences, will help communicate the activities in a more personal manner. The impact of COALA communication activities will be evaluated on an ongoing basis using set out outcomes, objectives and Key Performance Indicators (KPI) that we outline in this plan.