May 2020

  • Carlo De Michele
  • Monthly Review
  • No Comments

Coping with the COVID-19

Coala Teams is still coping with the issues related to COVID 19. Most of the activities go-ahead by remote.

This month the first deliverable on methodologies is released. In parallel, WP2-WP3 partners are focused on implementing the Scientific and Technological part of the project, while partners involved in dissemination and exploitation activities go ahead with their analysis using the first findings of the WP1. Unfortunately, the activities with stakeholders are still slow down due to pandemic restrictions. It leads to postponing the deliverables belonging to WP1.

Thanks to UNSW, a meeting with Matt Harrison from the University of Tasmania who showed the tools developed in the framework of the program “Water Can Profit”. The project coordinated by Prof. Harrison is  “Optimising farm scale returns from irrigated grains: maximising dollar return per megalitre of water”. The aim of the meeting was to exploit possible synergies between the two project.

And more…

  • The Deliverable D2.1: Background and Methodology for operational settings and data harmonization has been successfully submitted.
  • The Deliverable D3.1: Process flow diagram and System Operation Guide has been successfully submitted.
  • The web pages of COALA are online.