February 2020

  • Ariespace
  • Monthly Review
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Frist meeting of COALA project was held at Naples on 5-7 February 2020.

Attendees included all partners + 2 advisory board (Marie Weiss and Brent Williams) + Project Adviser from European Commission (Iulia Simion).

During the meeting, 3 round tables were held to underline and strengthen the links and collaboration between the WPs. Here the report of each round tables.

1st Round Table focused on Pilot deployment: Pilot Cases Overview, Identification and selection of Stakeholders and Users, COALA services evaluation Criteria.

2nd Round Table: Technological deployment of COALA: Services and Platform. An overview of the aspects of the technological deployment of COALA were presented. The presentation focused on two elements: 1. Big data collection / processing and 2. deliver and collection of data/information from/to the final users.

3rd Round Table focused on Dissemination, Communication and Business Exploitation. The summary of the stakeholder selection, grouped per ‘segment’: IIO, basin/national/State authorities, farmers has been set.


And more…

  • The first Deliverable D7.1: MANAGEMENT AND QUALITY PLAN has been successfully submitted.
  • Creation of the COALA Group on the AgriSatwebGIS® platform7 to show examples of the use of EO products by the company AgriSat (User: Birchip, password: coalaBCG). BCG’s Kate Finger introduces the first alpha user farmers.
  • Description of two success stories in the utilization of satellite-based information for managing irrigation at district level have been presented with reference to Spain (JCRMO, Central Irrigation Board of Mancha Oriental) and Italy (ANBIC, Campania Region Association of Consortia).