The aim of the communication materials is to publicise the COALA Project among potential users. This Deliverab...
This Deliverable is an update of the first version of the Communication and Dissemination Plan.
This Deliverable describes the pilot experiments of COALA Project. Participatory evaluation of the COALA servi...
The COALA Project, a European Union funded project involving a collaborative initiative between the European U...
The plenary meeting of COALA Project has been held on 23rd, 24th and 30 November 2020
Thanks to Copernicus data, Europe and Australia launch a new challenge to improve the management of water and ...
Australian farmers are working with new Earth Observation (EO) services. And, we are excited to be working with them. The COALA team is halfway through a three-year project looking at introducing new services to support more sustainable water and nutrients in Australia. We have developed relationships with several innovative Australian farmers to help with product…
The COALA project The COALA H2020 project is contributing to better agriculture. COALA is implementing tools capable of determining the water and nutrient requirements of crops in space and time. These tools allow farmers to adjust the adequate supply of these resources to optimise yield. These tools are developed using a time series of images…
The curation of a COALA data centre is essential as access to information in real-time (or as close to as possible) is very high on the wish list of farmers and agricultural practitioners. Agriculturalists are looking for more efficient and effective ways to manage nutrients and water in their paddocks. In the first year of the…
The COALA project is developing Copernicus-based services for… supporting more sustainable use of water and nutrients in the advanced agricultural systems of Australia. sharing knowledge and expertise in the field of EO-based applications for agriculture with Australian institutions It will be a facilitator of new business experience between Europe and Australia The COALA project will…
COALA airborne campaigns act in developing agricultural decision support for Australian farmers COALA offers a range of information to support irrigation and fertilisation management decisions using Sentinel-2 satellite data. Australian farmers’ input costs include a significant amount of water and fertilisers. Their optimal use has critical implications to various ecosystems that are sensitively influenced by…
The Murray-Darling Basin (MBD) is a river system that covers 14% of the land in Australia. 70% of Australia’s agricultural water use comes from the MDB and it provides one third of Australia’s food supply. Which is how the basin earned its nickname Australia’s Food Bowl. The MDB extends across four states and one territory,…
Role of ANBI Campania and its contribution to the COALA project, and the need for experienced water managers ANBI Campania (Italy) is one of the two European Water User Association partners in the COALA Project. ANBI transfers its experience as a European final user of satellite-based decision support systems. This blog collects the thoughts of…
COALA is currently working with educational providers such as the NSW Department of Education to develop educational resources about agriculture, remote sensing and earth observation. We will update this page regularly as more resources are developed.
Copernicus for water management: a story of success. Earth Observation data from Copernicus optimised irrigation management in drylands of South East Spain. How it all began During a severe drought in 1995-1996, the aquifers in the region of La Mancha Oriental reached a dangerous level. So low that the Central Government of Madrid threatened to…