The COALA Project: Who, What, Where and Why

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The COALA Project: Who, What, Where and Why

  • UNSW
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The COALA project is developing Copernicus-based services for…

  • supporting more sustainable use of water and nutrients in the advanced agricultural systems of Australia.
  • sharing knowledge and expertise in the field of EO-based applications for agriculture with Australian institutions
  • It will be a facilitator of new business experience between Europe and Australia

The COALA project will offer

EO added value products and services tailored for key agricultural processes and needs of value chain stakeholders. COALA proposes an Application program interface (API)  built upon the custom application solution business cases.

Why Australia?

  • the advanced level of adoption of new technology by farmers and, agriculture in general,
  • Australia has a highly skilled and young farming community
  • the large average extent of agricultural plots
  • the urgent need to match agricultural productivity with environmental concerns
  • the interest of EO-based business sector in Europe to find synergies within the Australian market
Murray Darling Basin
  • Ariespace past experience in AU context through IRRISCAN Company
  • Agricultural area up 90 million of hectares.
  • Social Challenges in the digital revolution for farmers
  • It’s one of the most mature water markets in the world

We are redesigning the pilot experiments for the COALA service looking at the actual availability of data and end-user engagement.

  • Demonstration at farm scale BCG member farmers
  • Demonstration at farm scale Irrigated farms in Goulburn-Murray
  • Demonstration at farm scale Northern Murray Darling Basin farms

How will The COALA project help me?

  • We will establish sustainable supply chains for innovative EO value added products Market and Business Innovation
  • These services will integrate into the customer’s existing business processes
  • We are creating improved products, processes or services on the market that are capable of generating a significant turnover for the participants
  • Lastly, we are improving the quality of the Copernicus global product

At present we are ground truthing research from The COALA project with our team from Melbourne University, So, sign up to our Newsletter to stay up to date on the latest news from The COALA project.

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